IIS 7.5 and IIS 8.0 European Hosting

BLOG about IIS 7.5 Hosting, IIS 8.0 Hosting and Its Technology - Dedicated to European Windows Hosting Customer

IIS 8.0 Hosting - HostForLIFE.eu :: URL Rewriting Middleware In ASP.NET Core

clock June 24, 2021 09:08 by author Peter

In the previous article of this series, we discussed the route concept with MVC Pattern within .NET Core Application. Now, in this article, we will discuss how can we use URL rewriting mechanism.

Basically URL Rewriting is the act of modifying request URLs based on one or more predefined rules. URL rewriting creates an abstraction between resource locations and their addresses so that the locations and addresses are not tightly linked. There are several scenarios where URL rewriting is valuable:

    Moving or replacing server resources temporarily or permanently while maintaining stable locators for those resources
    Splitting request processing across different applications or across areas of one application
    Removing, adding, or reorganizing URL segments on incoming requests
    Optimizing public URLs for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
    Permitting the use of friendly public URLs to help people predict the content they will find by following a link
    Redirecting insecure requests to secure endpoints
    Preventing image hotlinking

We can define rules for changing the URL in several ways, including regular expression (regex) matching rules, rules based on the Apache mod_rewrite module, rules based on the IIS Rewrite Module, and with your own method and class rule logic. In this article, we will discuss about the URL rewriting with instructions on how to use URL Rewriting Middleware in ASP.NET Core applications.

URL redirect and URL rewrite
A URL redirect is a client-side operation, where the client is instructed to access a resource at another address. This requires a round-trip to the server, and the redirect URL returned to the client will appear in the browser's address bar when the client makes a new request for the resource. If /resource is redirected to /different-resource, the client will request /resource, and the Server will respond that the client should obtain the resource at /different-resource with a status code indicating that the redirect is either temporary or permanent. The client will execute a new request for the resource at the redirect URL.

A URL rewrite is a server-side operation to provide a resource from a different resource address. Rewriting a URL doesn't require a round-trip to the server. The rewritten URL is not returned to the client and won't appear in a browser's address bar. When /resource is rewritten to /different-resource, the client will request /resource, and the server will internally fetch the resource at /different-resource. Although the client might be able to retrieve the resource at the rewritten URL, the client won't be informed that the resource exists at the rewritten URL when it makes its request and receives the response.

When to use URL Rewriting Middleware
Use URL Rewriting Middleware when you are unable to use the URL Rewrite module in IIS on Windows Server, the Apache mod_rewrite module on Apache Server, URL rewriting on Nginx, or your application is hosted on WebListener server. The main reasons to use the server-based URL rewriting technologies in IIS, Apache, or Nginx are that the middleware doesn't support the full features of these modules and the performance of the middleware probably won't match that of the modules. However, there are some features of the server modules that don't work with ASP.NET Core projects, such as the IsFile and IsDirectory constraints of the IIS Rewrite module. In these scenarios, you can use the middleware instead.

To include the middleware in your project, add a reference to the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Rewrite package. The middleware depends on .NET Framework 4.5.1 or .NET Standard 1.3 or later. This feature is available for apps that target ASP.NET Core 1.1.0 or later.

Extension and options
Establish your URL rewrite and redirect rules by creating an instance of the RewriteOptions class with extension methods for each of your rules. Chain multiple rules in the order that you would like them processed. The RewriteOptions are passed into the URL Rewriting Middleware as it's added to the request pipeline with app.UseRewriter(options);
    var options = new RewriteOptions()  
    .AddRedirect("redirect-rule/(.*)", "redirected/$1")  
    .AddRewrite(@"^rewrite-rule/(\d+)/(\d+)", "rewritten?var1=$1&var2=$2", skipRemainingRules: true)  
    .AddApacheModRewrite(env.ContentRootFileProvider, "ApacheModRewrite.txt")  
    .AddIISUrlRewrite(env.ContentRootFileProvider, "IISUrlRewrite.xml")  
    .Add(new RedirectImageRequests(".png", "/png-images"))  
    .Add(new RedirectImageRequests(".jpg", "/jpg-images"));  

URL redirect
Use AddRedirect() to redirect requests. The first parameter will contain your regex for matching on the path of the incoming URL. The second parameter is the replacement string. The third parameter, if present, specifies the status code. If you don't specify the status code, it defaults to 302 (Found), which indicates that the resource has been temporarily moved or replaced.
    var options = new RewriteOptions()  
    .AddRedirect("redirect-rule/(.*)", "redirected/$1")  
    .AddRewrite(@"^rewrite-rule/(\d+)/(\d+)", "rewritten?var1=$1&var2=$2", skipRemainingRules: true)  
    .AddApacheModRewrite(env.ContentRootFileProvider, "ApacheModRewrite.txt")  
    .AddIISUrlRewrite(env.ContentRootFileProvider, "IISUrlRewrite.xml")  
    .Add(new RedirectImageRequests(".png", "/png-images"))  
    .Add(new RedirectImageRequests(".jpg", "/jpg-images"));  

In a browser with developer tools enabled, make a request to the sample application with the path /redirect-rule/1234/5678. The regex matches the request path on redirect-rule/(.*), and the path is replaced with /redirected/1234/5678. The redirect URL is sent back to the client with a 302 (Found) status code. The browser makes a new request at the redirect URL, which will appear in the browser's address bar. Since no rules in the sample application match on the redirect URL, the second request receives a 200 (OK) response from the application and the body of the response shows the redirect URL. A complete roundtrip is made to the server when a URL is redirected.

Original Request: /redirect-rule/1234/5678

The part of the expression contained by parentheses is called a capture group. The dot ( . ) of the expression means match any character, and the asterisk ( * ) signifies to match the preceding character zero or more times. Therefore, the last two path segments of the URL, 1234/5678, are captured by capture group (.*). Any value you provide in the request URL after redirect-rule/ will be captured by this single capture group. In the replacement string, captured groups are injected into the string with the dollar sign ( $ ) followed by the sequence number of the capture. The first capture group value is obtained with $1, the second with $2, and they continue in sequence for the capture groups in your regex. There is only one captured group in the redirect rule regex in the sample application, so there is only one injected group in the replacement string, which is $1. When the rule is applied, the URL becomes /redirected/1234/5678.

URL redirect to a secure endpoint
Use AddRedirectToHttps() to redirect insecure requests to the same host and path with secure HTTPS protocol (https:// ) with the flexibility to choose the status code and port. If the status code is not supplied, the middleware will default to 302 (Found). If the port is not supplied, the middleware will default to null, which means the protocol will change to https:// and the client will access the resource on port 443. The example shows how to set the status code to 301 (Moved Permanently) and change the port to 5001.
    var options = new RewriteOptions()  
    .AddRedirectToHttps(301, 5001);  

Use AddRedirectToHttpsPermanent() to redirect insecure requests to the same host and path with secure HTTPS protocol ( https:// on port 443). The middleware will set the status code to 301 (Moved Permanently).

Original Request using AddRedirectToHttps(301, 5001) : /secure

Original Request using AddRedirectToHttpsPermanent() : /secure

URL rewrite
Use AddRewrite() to create a rules for rewriting URLs. The first parameter will contain your regex for matching on the incoming URL path. The second parameter is the replacement string. The third parameter,

skipRemainingRules: {true|false} , will indicate to the middleware whether or not to skip additional rewrite rules if the current rule is applied.
    var options = new RewriteOptions()  
    .AddRedirect("redirect-rule/(.*)", "redirected/$1")  
    .AddRewrite(@"^rewrite-rule/(\d+)/(\d+)", "rewritten?var1=$1&var2=$2", skipRemainingRules: true)  
    .AddApacheModRewrite(env.ContentRootFileProvider, "ApacheModRewrite.txt")  
    .AddIISUrlRewrite(env.ContentRootFileProvider, "IISUrlRewrite.xml")  
    .Add(new RedirectImageRequests(".png", "/png-images"))  
    .Add(new RedirectImageRequests(".jpg", "/jpg-images"));  

Original Request: /rewrite-rule/1234/5678

The first thing you will notice in the regex is the carat ( ^ ) at the beginning of the expression. This means that matching should be attempted starting at the beginning of the URL path.

Code for startup.cs
using System;  
using System.IO;  
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;  
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;  
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;  
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Rewrite;  
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;  
using Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers;  
using CoreLibrary;  
namespace Prog7_URLRewrite  
    public class Startup  
        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.  
        // For more information on how to configure your application, visit https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=398940  
        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)  
            var options = new RewriteOptions()  
                                .AddRedirect("redirect-rule/(.*)", "redirected/$1")  
                .AddRewrite(@"^rewrite-rule/(\d+)/(\d+)", "rewritten?var1=$1&var2=$2", skipRemainingRules: true)  
                .AddApacheModRewrite(env.ContentRootFileProvider, "ApacheModRewrite.txt")  
                .AddIISUrlRewrite(env.ContentRootFileProvider, "IISUrlRewrite.xml")  
                .Add(new RedirectImageRequests(".png", "/png-images"))  
                .Add(new RedirectImageRequests(".jpg", "/jpg-images"));  
            app.Run(context => context.Response.WriteAsync($"Rewritten or Redirected Url: {context.Request.Path + context.Request.QueryString}"));  
        static void RedirectXMLRequests(RewriteContext context)  
            var request = context.HttpContext.Request;  
            if (request.Path.StartsWithSegments(new PathString("/xmlfiles")))  
            if (request.Path.Value.EndsWith(".xml", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))  
                var response = context.HttpContext.Response;  
                response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status301MovedPermanently;  
                context.Result = RuleResult.EndResponse;  
                response.Headers[HeaderNames.Location] = "/xmlfiles" + request.Path + request.QueryString;  
        public static void Main(string[] args)  
            var host = new WebHostBuilder()  
                .ConfigureLogging(factory =>  
                                .UseKestrel(options =>  
                    options.UseHttps("testCert.pfx", "testPassword");  
                                                .UseUrls("http://localhost:5000", "https://localhost", "https://localhost:5001")  

Code for rewrite.cs
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;  
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Rewrite;  
using Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers;  
using System;  
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;  
namespace CoreLibrary  
    public class RewriteRules : IRule  
        private string _extension;  
        private PathString _newPath;  
        public RedirectImageRequests(string extension, string newPath)  
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(extension))  
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(extension));  
            if (!Regex.IsMatch(extension, @"^\.(png|jpg|gif)$"))  
                throw new ArgumentException("The extension is not valid. The extension must be .png, .jpg, or .gif.", nameof(extension));  
            if (!Regex.IsMatch(newPath, @"(/[A-Za-z0-9]+)+?"))  
                throw new ArgumentException("The path is not valid. Provide an alphanumeric path that starts with a forward slash.", nameof(newPath));  
            _extension = extension;  
            _newPath = new PathString(newPath);  
        public void ApplyRule(RewriteContext context)  
            var request = context.HttpContext.Request;  
            if (request.Path.StartsWithSegments(new PathString(_newPath)))  
            if (request.Path.Value.EndsWith(_extension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))  
                var response = context.HttpContext.Response;  
                response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status301MovedPermanently;  
                context.Result = RuleResult.EndResponse;  
                response.Headers[HeaderNames.Location] = _newPath + request.Path + request.QueryString;  

IIS Hosting Europe - HostForLIFE.eu :: IIS Hosting .Net Core MVC 3.1 | In Process Hosting | w3wp.exe Worker Process

clock June 18, 2021 09:11 by author Peter

I am here to introduce you to InProcess hosting in a .Net Core MVC 3.1 web application with the w3wp worker process.

Also, we will learn how to configure the source code to the IIS and run the application with debugging.
I suppose that since you are looking for hosting, you have already installed the necessary features for that.
The main feature you need to install for hosting in IIS is the IIS runtime support (ASP.NET Core Module v2) Hosting Bundle.
I have a Visual studio 2019 community version with pre-installed features for the development of an application.
Let begin with downloading the ASP.NET Core Runtime Hosting bundle from Url https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-core/3.1
Step 1
If you haven't already installed the Hosting Bundle, please install it from the given link.

Step 2
After installing, let's go to the IIS manager and map our Project directory source in IIS.

Step 3
Map your Source Code path.

Step 4

I have set the Application Pool setting with NetworkServices Identity. You can also choose another as per your requirement.

Step 5
Add the Module AspNetCoreModuleV2 by following the below-given process in the screenshot.

You can also do this at the application level in your project's web.config
If you don't have web config right now, please follow step 6 given below and build your project.
         <add name="AspNetCoreModuleV2" />  

Step 6
Add the Marked Code in your Launchsettings.json

Add the below code marked in bold:
      "iisSettings": {  
        "windowsAuthentication": false,  
        "anonymousAuthentication": true,  
        "iis": {  
          "applicationUrl": "http://localhost:1111/",  
          "sslPort": 0  
        "iisExpress": {  
          "applicationUrl": "http://localhost:59631",  
          "sslPort": 44338  
      "profiles": {  
        "IIS Express": {  
          "commandName": "IISExpress",  
          "launchBrowser": true,  
          "environmentVariables": {  
            "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT": "Development",  
            "ASPNETCORE_HOSTINGSTARTUPASSEMBLIES": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation"  
        "TestDemo": {  
          "commandName": "Project",  
          "launchBrowser": true,  
          "environmentVariables": {  
            "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT": "Development",  
            "ASPNETCORE_HOSTINGSTARTUPASSEMBLIES": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation"  
          "applicationUrl": "https://localhost:5001;http://localhost:5000"  
        "Local IIS": {  
          "commandName": "IIS",  
          "launchBrowser": true,  
          "launchUrl": "http://localhost:1111/",  
          "environmentVariables": {  
            "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT": "Development"  

Step 6
Please make sure your project is running with InProcess hosting Model


Step 7 
As you have recently created a profile using launchsetting.json, now you can change the Debug property to Local IIS and run your application.

Here you can see the URL. Our mapping URL http://Localhost:1111 is working now and you can debug your code.
If you are still facing issues with reaching breakpoints, please add webBuilder.UseIIS(); to your program.cs.
     public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>  
                  .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>  

That's it

IIS Hosting Europe - HostForLIFE.eu :: How to Access the Site Using Domain Name Instead of localhost in IIS?

clock June 11, 2021 08:37 by author Peter

Whenever we host a website in Internet Information Services (IIS), we previously would access the website with localhost or with that specific machine IP address in the manner of: http://localhost/TestSite/TestPage.aspx

Did you ever think of accessing your website with a domain name, such as http://www.testsite.com, instead of http://localhost/testsite or on your local machine?

How can I tell my IIS that http://www.testsite.com is pointing to the files on my local computer and to not try to access the internet?

The answer behind all these questions is the Hosts file.

This will be in <Windows Root Folder>\System32\Drivers\etc\. In general if the Windows Operating System is installed in the C drive then it will be C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. You can open this file in Notepad, Notepad++ or any text editor that you have. If you open this file, it will be as follows.

local host

Note: You need administrator privileges to save your changes in this file.

Case 1

If you want to create a new website then that is possible for accessing using a domain name. Use the following procedure.

Open IIS (Click WIN+R, enter inetmgr in the dialog and click OK. Alternatively, search for IIS Manger in start window).

Expand the Server node and click on the Sites folder.

Click on Add Website in the Actions pane.

Note: If need any help for the preceding procedure then please check my blog article How to setup basic website in IIS 8.

Enter the details in the Add Website window as follows.

Click on Ok to create the website.

If you try to browse your website now, you will see an alert in Chrome that your webpage is not available. You will see the same kind of issue in other browsers also.

This is because the address you entered will search in the internet instead of your localhost. To overcome this open the Hosts file in any text editor and add the following command. www.testsite.com

Now try to reload the page by clearing the browser cache. It will work as follows.

Case 2
If you want to access the website using the domain name you created then use the following procedure.

Open IIS (Click WIN+R, enter inetmgr in the dialog and click OK. Alternatively, search for IIS Manger in start window).

Expand the Server node and then expand Sites folder.

Click on the Website that you want to access using a domain name and then click on Bindings in the Actions pane.

Select the binding of type http and then click on Edit. This will open a new window as follows:

Enter the host name in the provided text box.

I am entering this as www.google.com because I want to access my site with a Google address.

Now make the change in the hosts file as we did in #6 in case1.

After having made this change you can access your local website with the Google address.

Note: The changes you are making in the hosts files are applicable only to that specific local machine in which the file exits.


IIS Hosting Europe - HostForLIFE.eu :: Working with IIS Metabase with DirectoryServices

clock May 21, 2021 08:00 by author Peter

While working with the IIS we all like to know the settings done on the Virtual Directory are correct or not. So we are going to see how to do that programmatically.
To check some properties of the IIS (Virtual Directory) of Web based application after  install, one can create custom application for that.

There are list of IIS Properties which we can get after post installation. The list of properties exposed by the IIS API or Web Settings Property is mentioned below

The above settings are configured in the Metabase of the IIS.

IIS Metabase:
IIS Metabase is a structure where IIS configuration settings are stored. The metabase configuration and schema for IIS 4.0 and IIS 5.0 were stored in a binary file, but from IIS6.0 the configuration and setting is stored in single binary file (MetaBase.bin), with plain text, Extensible Markup Language (XML) formatted files named MetaBase.xml and MBSchema.xml.  You can navigate through the IIS Metabase using MetaEdit or Metabase Explorer. The Metabase is based on a hierarchical design with inheritance. Each object in the metabase has a KeyType. The KeyType property specifies the type of metabase key.

.Net provides the namespace which is used to get the properties of the IIS Virtual Directory. .Net have the "System.DirectoryServices" namespace which exposes the DirectoryEntry Class.

public class WebSettings
     //Authentication Bitmask Values
     //Constant Value Description
     public const int MD_AUTH_ANONYMOUS = 0x00000001;
     //Anonymous authentication available.
     public const int MD_AUTH_BASIC = 0x00000002;
     //Basic authentication available.
     public const int MD_AUTH_NT = 0x00000004;
     //Windows authentication schemes available.
     string Auth_Type;
     public string calc(int AuthValue)
          if (AuthValue == MD_AUTH_ANONYMOUS)
               Auth_Type = "ANONYMOUS ACCESS ENABLED";
          if (AuthValue == MD_AUTH_BASIC)
               Auth_Type = "BASIC ACCESS ENABLED";
          if (AuthValue == MD_AUTH_NT)
          if (AuthValue == (MD_AUTH_ANONYMOUS + MD_AUTH_NT))
          if (AuthValue == (MD_AUTH_ANONYMOUS + MD_AUTH_BASIC))
              Auth_Type="BASIC + ANONYMOUS";
         if (AuthValue == (MD_AUTH_ANONYMOUS + MD_AUTH_NT))
              Auth_Type = "INTEGRATED + ANONYMOUS";
         if (AuthValue == (MD_AUTH_BASIC + MD_AUTH_NT))
             Auth_Type = "BASIC + INTEGRATED";
         if (AuthValue == (MD_AUTH_ANONYMOUS + MD_AUTH_BASIC + MD_AUTH_NT))
             Auth_Type = "ANONYMOUS + BASIC + INTEGRATED";
          return Auth_Type;

string serverName;
string vDir;
serverName = System.Environment.MachineName;
vDir = "DirectoryName";
vdir = new DirectoryEntry("IIS://" + serverName + "/W3SVC/1/ROOT/" + vDir);
wbs = new WebSettings();
string[] sComp = new string[12];
sComp[0] = "AuthFlags";
sComp[1] = "Path";
sComp[2] = "AppFriendlyName";
sComp[3] ="EnableDirBrowsing";
sComp[4] ="AccessRead";
sComp[5] ="AccessExecute";
sComp[6] ="AccessWrite";
sComp[7] ="AccessScript";
sComp[8] ="AuthNTLM";
sComp[9] ="EnableDefaultDoc";
sComp[10] ="DefaultDoc";
sComp[11] ="AspEnableParentPaths";
ListViewItem[] listViewItem = new ListViewItem[12];
for (int i = 0; i < sComp.Length; i++)
    //lstComponents.MultiColumn = 2;
    lstIISProperty.Sorting = SortOrder.Ascending;
    if (sComp[i] != null)
    listViewItem[i] = new ListViewItem(new string[]{ sComp[i], IISPropertyValue(sCompi]), fnExpected_Value(sComp[i])}, -1);

IIS Hosting Europe - HostForLIFE.eu :: Solution to "Unable to Launch the IIS Express Web Server"

clock May 7, 2021 12:19 by author Peter

Today I encountered the issue "Unable to launch the IIS Express Web Server" while I was running my Visual Studio 2012. So I thought of sharing how to resolve that issue. I hope it will help someone.

In my team we have 5 to 10 members. Since we wanted to do a build for our current application, I used "Get the Latest files from the server". (We are using TFS.) Then when I run my application I was getting this error.

The cause of this error is, someone has checked in the solution file with his port number (the port number he was using). When I took the latest, it was set in my solution file also. We must take the latest solution file only when it is required. So here I will share the remedy for the preceding issue.

Procedure to solve this issue

Step 1
Right-click on your solution and select Properties as shown in the following figure.

Step 2
Select “Web” from the left menu.

Step 3
Under “Use local IIS server” change the port number from http://localhost:58030/ to another one.

Step 4
Here I have changed http://localhost:58030/ to http://localhost:58031/ .
Bingo! We have done it.

Step 5
Now please run again your application. The issue will be solved.

IIS Hosting Europe - HostForLIFE.eu :: Create FTP and Web IIS Virtual Directory using C#

clock April 28, 2021 08:12 by author Peter

In this example we will create a Windows Form Project that will create new FTP and Web IIS Virtual Directories from code based on the name and path specified by the user. You can create virtual directories on the local computer by specifying the server name as "localhost" or you can create the virtual directory on a remote computer by specifying the machine name.

We make use of the DirectoryServices namespace for creating the Virtual directory.

Step 1: Create the Project and the basic User Interface.

Create a new Visual C# Windows Forms Project and add controls on the default form as shown below.

Figure 1: User interface

Figure 1: User interface 

Control Property Name Property Value
Label Text Server
TextBox Name txtServer

Text localhost
Label Text Virtual Directory Name
TextBox Name txtVDirName
Label Text Virtual Directory Path
TextBox Name txtVDir
GroupBox Text Virtual Directory Type
RadioButton Label Web
RadioButton Label FTP

Label Name lblStatus

The windows form allows the user to specify the server name on which to create the virtual directory, the virtual directory name, the virtual directory path, the type of virtual directory (FTP or Web). We will now add the code to create the virtual directory when the button is clicked. The code is specified in the code listing below.

We first determine if the user has selected to create an FTP virtual directory or a Web Virtual Directory. Based on this selection, we set the values for the schema name and a part of the path for the IIS root to create the node in. We now create a DirectoryEntry object for the root of the IIS directory on the server specified by the user which points to the web or ftp root. We then add a node to the children collection of the root node and set the value for the Path property of the newly created node. If the user selected to create a web virtual directory, we set the new node as an application. We then commit the changes and close the directory entry nodes. Finally we display the status - whether successful or error, to the user. You need to make sure that the user has the privileges to create the new virtual directories before running the sample.
private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
string strSchema= "";
string strRootSubPath = "";
if (radioButton1.Checked)
strSchema = "IIsWebVirtualDir";
strRootSubPath = "/W3SVC/1/Root";
if (radioButton2.Checked)
strSchema = "IIsFtpVirtualDir";
strRootSubPath = "/MSFTPSVC/1/Root";
if (strSchema == "")
strSchema = "IIsWebVirtualDir";
strRootSubPath = "/W3SVC/1/Root";
DirectoryEntry deRoot= new DirectoryEntry("IIS://" + txtServer.Text + strRootSubPath);
DirectoryEntry deNewVDir = deRoot.Children.Add(txtVDirName.Text,strSchema);
// Create a Application
if (strSchema == "IIsWebVirtualDir")
// Save Changes
lblStatus.Text = "Virtual Directory " + txtVDirName.Text + "(" + txtVDir.Text + ") has been created";
catch (Exception ex)
lblStatus.Text = "Error: " + ex.Message;

Code Listing : Button Click event handler code - create a new virtual directory.
Please refer to the complete code listing available for download at the top of the article.

Figure : Creating a virtual directory from our program. This creates a FTP Virtual directory named "TestFTPDir" pointing to path "C:\Temp"

IIS Hosting Europe - HostForLIFE.eu :: Enable IIS in Windows 7

clock April 22, 2021 08:13 by author Peter

When I worked on my friend’s desktop, I just wanted to create a virtual directory. So I went to “Run” and typed “inetmgr”, then enter. Even though he had installed VS2010, but he did not installed/enabled IIS in the local machine.  
I guess IIS is disabled by default when you install Windows. So here I’m going to explain the steps on how to install/enable IIS in Windows 7 system.
Step 1: Go to "Control panel" and select "Programs and Features" or simply type “appwiz.cpl” in a run.

Step 2: On the left-hand side, click on the link “Turn Windows features on or off”.

Step 3: As a result, you got “Windows Features” popup in that check the checkboxes as shown below.


Step 4: That’s it! Windows will automatically install it! Now you can access the IIS by typing the command “inetmgr” in Run.

IIS Hosting Europe - HostForLIFE.eu :: Stop Sharing a Drive/Folder by Using Windows Interface

clock March 30, 2021 06:49 by author Peter

In this article you will learn how to stop sharing a drive/folder using a Windows interface.

Step 1
First of all open the "Computer Management" from the Start Menu of your system.

Step 2
Now your Computer Management Window will be opened that will look like this:

Step 3
On the left-hand side of Computer management you will see many options, one of them will be "Shared Folders", expand this option.

Step 4
On expanding the Shared Folders you will see that three options are available to choose from, one of them will be named "Shares", click on this option to see the folders and drives that are shared.

Step 5
Now right-click on a folder or drive you want to stop sharing and click on "Stop Sharing".

Step 6
Now a Confirmation Message Box will pop-up that will again confirm you that you really want to stop sharing, click on the "Yes" button to remove this folder from the sharing folder option.

IIS 8.5 Hosting - HostForLIFE.eu :: Enable IIS Server to Serve .mp4 Files through web.config File

clock March 26, 2021 08:44 by author Peter

Now, most of the websites are being developed using HTML5 and using videos on the background. It is an easy job to use  the video tag.. It is advised to serve video files using a CDN, however, in case you want to host videos from your own server, you need to configure IIS to server .mp4 files. In case you don’t configure it, you will get a 404 error or an error saying “The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the extension configuration. If the page is a script, add a handler. If the file should be downloaded, add a MIME map.” Again, if you have got access to IIS , it’s a great thing but what if you’re hosting the website on a shared server where you don’t have access to IIS Server? In this post, we will see how can we enable IIS Server to serve .mp4 files through web.config file.

To allow IIS to server files, we need to configure proper mimeType for the required files. The mimeType for a .mp4 is video/mp4. Just add the following line in your web.config file under system.webServer tag and you should be good to go.

    <system .webServer>  
            <mimemap fileExtension=".mp4" mimeType="video/mp4"></mimemap>  

Once you do the above changes, your web server should start serving .mp4 files without issues. Hope this blog post helps you! In case you know other ways of doing the same, do let me know via comments.

IIS 8.0 Hosting - HostForLIFE.eu :: Publish And Deploy ASP.NET Core MVC On IIS

clock March 5, 2021 08:51 by author Peter

ASP.NET Core is able to run as a standalone Application (out of process Console Application). It does not host inside IIS, which does not require IIS to run an application. ASP.NET Core app has its own self-hosted Web Server and processes the requests, which internally use the self-hosted Server instance. ASP.NET Core uses Kestrel Server to host the core Application but it does not support all the features of the Server such as IIS.

In older ASP.NET Web applications, everything is hosted inside IIS Worker process, which can also refer to an Application pool. The Application Pool hosts our Web Application and our Web Application is instantiated by the built-in ASP.NET hosting features in IIS. The ASP.NET Core Application does not run in the IIS worker process but runs as a separate out of process Console Application, which runs its own Web Server, using Kestrel Web Server. If we run on Windows, we may want to run Kestrel behind IIS to gain infrastructure features such as port forwarding via host headers, life cycle and certificate management.

ASP.NET Core Application is a standalone console Application that is invoked through the "dotnet" runtime command. It does not load into the IIS worker process but loads in the native IIS module called "AspNetCoreModule" which runs the console application. We need to install the AspNetCoreModule on the Server and it is part of ASP.NET Core Server Hosting Bundle.

All IIS applications are run on application pool. For ASP.net core, application pool must set to use No Managed Code. The Application pool acts only as a proxy to forward the requests. There is no need to instantiate a .NET runtime.

The primary job of AspNetCoreModule is to ensure that our Application gets loaded when the first request comes. All incoming Http request are handled by AspNetCoreModule and then it is routed to ASP.NET Core Application. Kestrel picks up the incoming request and passes into ASP.NET Core middleware pipeline that subsequently handles the request and passes to the Application logic, which is the same as the response of the Application which is pushback to the IIS and then Http client.
AspNetCoreModule is configured via the web.config file, which is stored in an Application root folder, which contains the startup command and argument. The dotnet is a startup command and our Application main DLL, which is used to launch application as aargument.
The Web.config file looks, as shown below.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  
          <add name="aspNetCore" path="*" verb="*" modules="AspNetCoreModule" resourceType="Unspecified"/>  
        <aspNetCore processPath="dotnet" arguments=".\FirstCoreApplication.dll" stdoutLogEnabled="false" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout" forwardWindowsAuthToken="false"/>  

Publishing ASP.NET Core Application
To host our Application on IIS, we first need to publish it. There are two ways to publish .NET Core Application
    Using CLI command dotnet publish.
    Using Visual Studio Publishing feature.

Before publishing ASP.NET Core Application, we make sure that we are including all the required folders in PublishOptions node of project.json file. This node looks, as shown below.
    "publishOptions": {  
      "include": [  

Using CLI command “dotnet publish”
.NET Core Application also supports CLI. Using CLI tool, we can create, build and publish the .NET Core Application. The "dotnet publish" command compiles the Application and publishes the Application with the project dependencies (specified in project.json file) and puts it into a specified folder.

    >dotnet publish  

Using Visual Studio Publishing feature
To publish our application, using Visual Studio, the first step is to right click on the project which we want to to publish and select publish option. Next step is to select custom option and enter the profile name. Once the profile is created, we need to select publishing method. Here, we have four different publishing methods, namely File system, Web deploy, Web deploy pack and FTP. In this example, I have selected File System as publish option and also need to pass target location.
In the next step, we can select the configuration, target framework and some other publish option. When we click Publish button, Visual Studio publish requires file in to the selected folder.

Host publish folder on IIS Manually
To host ASP.NET Core Application on IIS, we must have Windows 7 or newer / Windows Server 2008 R2 or newer. To configure IIS on Windows machine, we need to turn on some IIS related features of Windows.

Once our Application is published, we can hook up IIS to the published folder. Now, I am going to create a virtual Application directory.

Now, I am creating ASPNETCore Application with .NET runtime "No Managed Code", as shown earlier.

About HostForLIFE.eu

HostForLIFE.eu is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.

We have offered the latest Windows 2016 Hosting, ASP.NET Core 2.2.1 Hosting, ASP.NET MVC 6 Hosting and SQL 2017 Hosting.

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