IIS 7.5 and IIS 8.0 European Hosting

BLOG about IIS 7.5 Hosting, IIS 8.0 Hosting and Its Technology - Dedicated to European Windows Hosting Customer

European IIS 7 Hosting - Amsterdam :: How to Connect Site via IIS Manager

clock February 14, 2012 05:50 by author Scott

I was about to blog how we can redirect domain.com to www.domain.com (redirecting can improve SEO ranking, tune to next post for more detail) in IIS 7. But before that I thought let me first blog how to connect with remote website through IIS manager. Before proceeding with this tutorial we need to download IIS Manager for Remote Administration and of course windows hosting account which allow remote IIS management. After installing IIS Manager for Remote Administration open IIS Manager by typing inetmgr in Run window. In connection pane of IIS manager click on Create New Connection button. There are three different options. Click on Connect to a Site

It will open new dialog box for connecting to remote website. In that dialog box enter server name and website name (which can be obtained from hosting control panel or contact hosting provider).

Clicking on next will ask for credentials for connecting to website.

After providing credentials when you click next, you might get server certificate alert depends on connecting server certificate. If you get one then click on connect if you trust connecting server.

On successful connection, it will ask for connection name. Provide connection name and click on finish button.

On connection, you might get following dialog asking to install server feature. This is the list of server feature which is not available on your local machine. If you want to manage / configure that feature through remote IIS then you must install it on your local machine.

After that you can see list of IIS feature available. Now you can configure it.

Done. Great job.

European IIS 7 Hosting :: How to Fix - Server Error in ‘/’ Application on IIS 7 (allowDefinition=’MachineToApplication’)

clock January 26, 2012 05:35 by author Scott

This is the error message that sometimes you can find on IIS:

Server Error in ‘/’ Application.

Configuration Error

Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition=’MachineToApplication’ beyond application level.  This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS.

I will gonna show you how to fix this issue. What is the issue?

1. When you create an new web application using visual studio.net, it automatically creates the virtual directory and configures it as an application. However, if you manually create the virtual directory and it is not configured as an application, then you will not be able to browse the application and may get the above error. The debug information you get as mentioned above, is applicable to this scenario.

To resolve it, Right Click on the virtual directory - select properties and then click on "Create" next to the "Application" Label and the textbox. It will automatically create the "application" using the virtual directory's name. Now the application can be accessed.

2. When you have sub-directories in your application, you can have web.config file for the sub-directory. However, there are certain properties which cannot be set in the web.config of the sub-directory such as authentication, session state (you may see that the error message shows the line number where the
authentication or sessionstate is declared in the web.config of the sub-directory). The reason is, these settings cannot be overridden at the sub-directory level unless the sub-directory is also configured as an application (as mentioned in the above point).

Mostly we have the practice of adding web.config in the sub-directory if we want to protect access to the sub-directory files (say, the directory is admin and we wish to protect the admin pages from unathorized users).

But actually, this can be achieved in the web.config at the application's root level itself, by specifing the location path tags and authorization, as follows:-

<location path="Admin">
<allow roles="administrators" />
<deny users="*" />

However, if you wish to have a web.config at the sub-directory level and protect the sub-directory, you can just specify the Authorization mode as follows:-

<allow roles="administrators" />
<deny users="*" />

Thus you can protect the sub-directory from unauthorized access.

European IIS 7.5 Hosting :: How to Enable Extensionless URLs in IIS 7.0 & IIS 7.5

clock November 21, 2011 06:12 by author Scott

The cool thing to do these days is extensionless Urls, meaning there is no .aspx, .html, etc. Instead you just reference the resource by the name, which makes things like Restful interfaces and SEO better. For security reasons IIS disables this feature by default.

Recently I was working with some code where extensionless Urls were being used by the original developer. Since I typically do not work against the local IIS 7.5 installation when writing code I was stuck because I kept getting 404 responses for an oData resource. At first I did not realize the site was using IIS 7.5 as the web server, I honestly thought it was using the development server, which is the standard option when using Visual Studio to develop a web site.

Once I realized the site was actually being deployed locally I was able to trace the issue and solve it. turns out you need to
turn on Http Redirection. To do this you need to go into control panel and select ‘Programs’. This will display multiple options, you need to look at the top group, “Programs and Features”. In this group select “Turn Windows features on or off”.

Now the “Windows Features” dialog is displayed. This shows a tree view containing various components, but for this we want to drill into the Internet Information Services > World Wide Web Services > Common Http Features. By checking HTTP Redirection and the OK button you will enable extensionless Urls in IIS.

Good luck and hope it helps.

European IIS 7 Hosting :: Using Auditing and Process Monitor to Detect Permission Issue

clock July 18, 2011 07:17 by author Scott

I was working on a post @ http://forums.iis.net about a permissions issue.  One of the first things I recommend is use Process Monitor.  I honestly think this tool should be built into the OS.  My 3 suggestions, do you run Filemon, Regmon and is auditing of "Audit object access" failures enabled?  Between these three items,  you can rule out most any permissions issue. 

//Process Monitor info

//Sysinternals homepage

//Enable Object Failures in Local Security Policy.

Here is an image of what I'm referring to.

//Enable auditing of failures on the drive your files are located on

Once this is enabled, if there is an failure, it will show up in the Security event log.  If there is not a error using Filemon, auditing process above.  There is probably a DCOM or local security policy issue.

Hope this helps!!

European IIS 7 Hosting :: Installing Php 5 in IIS 7 with MySQL 5.1

clock June 6, 2011 07:31 by author Scott

I needed a flash response to a recent personal project demand that required PHP and MySQL. As such, I needed to start coding ASAP a flash install of both platforms was in order. Here’s a quick step-by-step guide to get PHP and MySQL running on your computer:

1. Go to the official PHP Internet Information Services Site
2. Click the big button to install PHP using Microsoft Web Application Gallery. If you don’t have it already installed, it will be installed first.
3. Follow the onscreen instructions.
4. Go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services.
5. Open “Default Web Site”
6. Double click on “Server Components > Handler Mappings”
7. Confirm if *.php extension is now handled by PHP FastCGI.

Here are some images of the entire process:

You’re done! Add a new Application to IIS and you’re ready to go!

Now, in order to install MySQL databse onto your system, you first need to download the MySQL Community Edition, (the freely downloadable version) from the
MySQL Developer downloads webpage. At the time of this writing, the current version is 5.1 and 5.4 is available as a beta version. For instance, if you have a 64bit OS, install the following: mysql-5.1.40-winx64.msi. For 32bit OS choose mysql-5.1.40-winx64.msi.

Follow the on screen instructions. When asked, select standard installation and a root password at your discretion.

When the installation is finished, goto Start –> Programs –> MySQL > MySQL Server 5.1 > MySQL Command Line Client (mysql).
mysql is a simple SQL shell. It supports interactive and non-interactive use. When used interactively, query results are presented in an ASCII-table format. When used non-interactively (for example, as a filter), the result is presented in tab-separated format. The output format can be changed using command options.

Now, let’s setup our first database. We can list all currently installed databases by inputting the following command:

show databases \g

Notice the “\g” keyword. This is like the “GO” command in SQL Server. It orders the engine to execute the previous command. After the command is executed you’ll notice a database called mysql. This is a system database, and you shouldn’t mess around with it. For instance you can check all system tables in mysql database with the following command:

show tables in mysql \g

You’ll also notice a database named “test”. This is a sample database that you can use for testing purposes.

When creating your database we must assign the required user permissions for us to access it from our data client. So I’ll create a new user called JohnDoe with a custom password by inputting the following command:

create user ‘JohnDoe’ identified as ‘password’ \g

Now for the database. There’s a useful command that gives you the SQL syntax for database creation. If you execute the following:

show create database test\g

… it will show the necessary SQL syntax to create the test database. We’ll create a database called “MyDatabase”:

create database MyDatabase \g

And now, all there is to do is give Mr JohnDoe a green card on our database, by giving it full access permissions:

grant all on table MyDatabase.* to JohnDoe identified by ‘password’ \g

If all goes well, you should receive

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0,00 sec)

Later, in case you want to delete your database, this is the command:

drop database ‘MyDatabase’ \g

And that’s it. You’re all set to start working with Php and MySql.

European IIS 7 Hosting :: How to Add a New Site in IIS 7

clock June 3, 2011 06:48 by author Scott

This is just only brief tutorial about how to add a new site in IIS 7. If you have any problem, please let us know.

Open IIS7 Manager.

1. Right-click the Sites node, and then click Add Web Site.

2. Type a name for your Web site In the Add Web Site dialog box.

3. If you want select a different application pool or leave the current selected.

4. In the Physical path box, type the physical path of the Web site’s folder, or click the browse button to choose the folder.

5. The default value in the IP address box is All Unassigned. If you wish to specify a dedicated IP address for the Web site, type it in the IP address box.

6. Type a port number.

7. Type a host header name for the Web site in the Host Header box.

European IIS 7 Hosting :: How to Fix HTTP 500.19 Errors in IIS 7 - Part I

clock May 26, 2011 06:27 by author Scott

Here are some troubleshooting HTTP 500.19 errors in IIS 7:

Error Message #1:

HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error
Description: The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.
Module: StaticCompressionModule
Notification: MapRequestHandler
Handler: StaticFile
Error Code: 0x800700c1
Requested URL: http://localhost/
Physical Path: C:\inetpub\wwwroot
Logon Method: Anonymous
Logon User: Anonymous


The Error Code in the above error message is “0x800700c1” which when translated through ERR.EXE, is
# %1 is not a valid Win32 application.


This error normally indicates an attempt to use EITHER
Ø 32-bit executable from a 64-bit process
Ø A corrupt executable
Hence the solution is to make sure that the listed module’s bitness (32bit/64bit) matches the bitness of the application Pool.

Error Message #2:

HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error
Description: The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid in the metabase on the Web server.
Error Code: 0x800700b7
Notification: BeginRequest
Module: IIS Web Core
Requested URL: http://localhost/
Physical Path: C:\inetpub\wwwroot
Logon User: Anonymous
Logon Method: Anonymous

Handler: StaticFile
Config Error: Cannot add duplicate collection entry of type 'add' with unique key attribute 'name' set to 'header’
Config File: \\?\C:\inetpub\wwwroot\web.config

Config Source:

21: <customHeaders>
22: <add name="header" value="text/plain" />
23: </customHeaders>


This problem essentially happens if there is a duplicate entry for the configuration section setting at a higher level in the configuration (i.e. in parent site/folder’s web.config or applicationHost.config file). The error message itself points out the location of duplicate entries.


One should look in the site’s config file and compare it with applicationHost or web.config file at a higher level to check for duplicate entries as pointed by the error message.  You can either remove this entry to make the server run again, or make the entry non-duplicate by changing the collection key.

For example, the above error message was because of the same custom header defined at the IIS root level (applicationHost.config) and at the Default Website (web.config). To solve this, we can

1. Remove this entry from web.config file : <add name="header" value="text/plain" />


2. Add remove OR clear element before this add element:

<remove name="header"/>


<clear />

Error Message #3:

HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error
The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.
Module: IIS Web Core
Notification: BeginRequest
Handler: Not yet determined
Error Code: 0x8007000d
Config Error: Configuration file is not well-formed XML
Config File: \\?\ C:\inetpub\wwwroot \web.config
Requested URL: http://localhost/
Physical Path: C:\inetpub\wwwroot
Logon User: Not yet determined
Logon Method: Not yet determined
Config Source

3: <system.webServer>
4: </handlers>
5: <remove name="StaticFile"/>


That error message goes on to say what exactly is bad about your configuration file, hence you should refer the “Config Error” and “Config Source” sections. This problem occurs because the ApplicationHost.config file or the Web.config file contains a malformed or unsupported XML element.


Delete the malformed XML element from the ApplicationHost.config file or from the Web.config file as indicated by the error message.

There are couples of instances that we have come across where the error code remains 0x8007000d, but the cause of issue was interesting.

In one scenario, we had a virtual directory pointing to a UNC share content. This same above 500.19 error was caused because of wrong password specified in the “Connect as..” setting. So make sure to provide the right credentials under “Connect as..” .

Another instance where the error code remained “0x8007000d” but the “Config Error” didn’t complain the mal formed XML, rather was about Configuration section encryption.

HTTP Error 500.19 – Internal Server Error
The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.

Module : ConfigurationValidationModule
Notification: BeginRequest
Handler : PageHandlerFactory-Integrated
Error Code: 0x8007000d
Config Error: Configuration section encryption is not supported
Config File: \\?\C:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspnet\web.config
Requested URL: http://localhost/
Physical Path: C:\inetpub\wwwroot
Logon User: Not yet determined
Logon Method: Not yet determined
<identity configProtectionProvider="RsaProtectedConfigurationProvider">
<EncryptedData Type=http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#Element
As the error suggests, the error is because IIS7 configuration system only supports per-attribute encryption; it does not support per-section encryption.

Error Message #4:

HTTP 500.19 - Internal Server Error

Module: IIS Web Core
Notification: BeginRequest
Handler: Not yet determined
Error Code: 0x8007010b
Config Error: Cannot read configuration file
Config File \\?\C:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspnet\web.config
Logon Method: Not yet determined


ERROR CODE: 0x8007010b translates to “ERROR_DIRECTORY - The directory name is invalid.”


As the error indicates, IIS is not able to find the content directory. For this error, we can run Process Monitor OR use Failed Request Tracing to get the Directory name where it fails. And then verify if that directory name/path is valid or not. If it does exist, then verify the NTFS permissions on that directory for account that is being used to access it.

We have seen this error when the site content is pointing to some Non-NTFS File system. In such cases, it is advisable to test it by placing the content on a Windows/NTFS share.

HostForLife.eu Proudly Launches Premier European SQL 2008 R2 Hosting

clock May 24, 2011 06:32 by author Scott

HostForLIFE.eu was established to cater to an under served market in the hosting industry; web hosting for customers who want excellent service. HostForLIFE.eu – a cheap, constant uptime, excellent customer service, quality, and also reliable hosting provider in advanced Windows and ASP.NET technology. We proudly announces the availability of the SQL 2008 R2 hosting in our entire servers environment. HostForlife customers have a choice between SQL Server 2008 and SQL 2008 R2 when creating a database from inside the HostForLife hosting control panel.

SQL Server 2008 R2 delivers several breakthrough capabilities that will enable your organization to scale database operations with confidence, improve IT and developer efficiency, and enable highly scalable and well managed Business Intelligence on a self-service basis for your users. For more information on SQL Server 2008 R2, visit the Microsoft website, http://www.microsoft.com/sqlserver/en/us/default.aspx.

Some of the capabilities that customers and partners will benefit from include:

1. PowerPivot: a managed self-service analysis solution that empowers end users to access, analyze and share data across the enterprise in an IT managed environment using Excel 2010 and SharePoint Sever 2010.
2. Master Data Services: helps IT organizations centrally manage critical data assets companywide and across diverse systems, and enables more people to securely manage master data directly, and ensure the integrity of information over time.
3. Application and Multi-server Management: helps organizations proactively manage database environments efficiently at scale through centralized visibility into resource utilization and streamlined consolidation and upgrade initiatives across the application lifecycle.
4. Report Builder 3.0: report authoring component with support for geospatial visualization. This new release provides capabilities to further increase end user productivity with enhanced wizards, more powerful visualizations, and intuitive authoring.
5. StreamInsight: a low latency complex event processing platform to help IT monitor, analyze and act on the data in motion to make more informed business decisions in near real-time.

For more information about this new product, please visit our site http://hostforlife.eu/SQL-2008-R2-European-Hosting.aspx.

About HostForLife

As a leading small to mid-sized business web hosting provider, we strive to offer the most technologically advanced hosting solutions available to our customers across the world. Security, reliability, and performance are at the core of our hosting operations to ensure each site and/or application hosted on our servers is highly secured and performs at optimum level. Unlike other web hosting companies, we do not overload our servers.

IIS 7.5 European Hosting :: Microsoft IIS 7.5 Improves Management, Deployment Options

clock May 15, 2010 05:40 by author Scott

With the release of Windows Server 2008 R2 comes an update to the company's Web platform, Internet Information Services. Like R2, IIS 7.5 isn't a massive upgrade, but it does provide some welcome administration improvements. In addition, the new version seems to acknowledge that Microsoft may have made IIS a little too Apache-like in previous iterations.

Few products in the Microsoft portfolio have seen as positive a turnaround as the Internet Information Services Web server.

Nine years ago, IIS was a security nightmare that was regularly exploited by dangerous worms and viruses. But, beginning with IIS 6, Microsoft made significant improvements in the security profile of the Web server—improvements that have erased IIS’ bad security reputation. With IIS 7, Microsoft took many cues from open-source rival Apache, making IIS more modular in its deployment options and even relying on good old configuration files for much of the server’s setup and administration.

Now, with the release of Windows Server 2008 R2, we are seeing an update to Microsoft’s Web platform in the form of IIS 7.5. Like much of R2 itself, IIS 7.5 isn’t a massive upgrade from previous versions; in fact, many of the new features were already available as add-ons to IIS 7.

But, all in all, IIS 7.5 is a welcome update, improving the management and deployment options for the Microsoft Web server.

Interestingly, it also seems like an acknowledgment that, for some Microsoft customers, IIS might have gone too far down the Apache road of (mainly) GUI-free configuration.

This new focus was clear once we fired up the IIS Management Console on Windows Server 2008 R2 and started to configure request filtering for the server. Request filtering makes it possible to build a more secure server configuration that is resistant to common attack techniques such as cross site scripting.

Request filtering was built into IIS in previous versions of the server, but setting it up required editing configuration files. This wasn’t exactly difficult, but IIS 7.5 makes it easier with the option to set up filtering using a standard GUI interface. We found this process to be relatively simple, and we liked that changes made here took effect immediately, without the need to restart the service.

Also new in IIS 7.5 is the graphical Configuration Editor, which is sort of like a regedit for IIS configuration. Using this tool, we could edit and view IIS configuration settings without the need to open up the web.config file.

Another welcome change in IIS 7.5 is the elevation of FTP as a full-fledged part of the server. In previous versions, setup and management of an FTP server in IIS were done pretty much separately from Web server management. In IIS 7.5, FTP administration is fully integrated into the IIS Management Console.

We found this to be a very good implementation of FTP, making it possible to quickly set up secure FTP servers and tie them to my Websites. Especially nice was the ability to easily use virtual host names for the FTP sites. All in all, the FTP implementation in IIS 7.5 is one of the best we’ve seen, even when compared with dedicated FTP server products.

While much of IIS 7.5 is dedicated to improved GUI management, that isn’t the only focus. Admins comfortable in the command line will like the option to manage the IIS server through Microsoft’s PowerShell interface. Using the PowerShell snap-in for IIS 7.5, we were able to use commands to control and view nearly any aspect of the server. This also made it easier to use management scripts, build scheduled tasks and handle remote management.

IIS 7.5 also includes some under-the-hood enhancements, such as hardened application pool security through lowered privileges. In addition, IIS benefits from a large library of extensions and add-on modules that make it possible for businesses to add capabilities to their server implementations.

Top Reasons to host your ISS 7.5 Website with HostForLife.eu

There are many reasons why so many people choose HostForLife over any other web hosting provider each year. Whether you’re beginner or an experience webmaster, HostForLife offers the perfect solution for everyone.

You’ll have highly trained, skilled professional technical support people ready, willing, and wanting to help you 24 hours a day. Your web hosting account servers are monitored from three monitoring points, with two alert points, every minute, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The followings are the list of other added-benefits you can find when hosting with us:

1. World-class 24x7 Customer Support
Will your hosting company promptly answer questions and resolve issues - at 3 am on a Sunday? Even some providers claiming “24x7” support will not - but HostForLife will. Our outstanding uptime is backed by true 24x7 customer support. An expertly trained technician will respond to your query within one hour, round the clock. You will also get qualified answers. Other hosting companies typically have very low - level support staff during the night or weekends. HostForLife always has knowledgeable, top - level  support standing by, day or night, to give you the answers you need.

2. Commitment to Outstanding Reliability
Reliability, Stability, and Performance of our servers remain out TOP priority. Even our basic service plans are equipped with standard service level agreements for 99.99% uptime. Advanced options raise the bar to 99.99%. Our state-of-the-art data centers combine servers and SAN storage with full redundancy and operational tools with proprietary service management techniques. Full backup and recovery capabilities are implemented, including redundant power supplies, cooling and connectionsto major data networks.

3. “Right-size” plans for maximum value
HostForLife offers a complete menu of services. IT professionals select only what they need - and leave behind what they don’t. The result is an optimal blend of cost and performance. We offer IT professionals more advanced features and the latest technology - ahead of other hosting companies.

4. Profitable, Stable, Debt-free Business
Financial stability is the bedrock of a hosting provider’s ability to deliver outstanding uptime, cost-effective service plans and world-class 24x7 support.  HostForLife’s customers are assured of our financial integrity and stability - a stark contrast to the ups and downs they may have experienced with other providers.

5. The Best Account Management Tools
HostForLife revolutionized hosting with Plesk Control Panel, a Web-based interfaces that provides customers with 24x7 access to their server and site configuration tools. Some other hosting providers manually execute configuration requests, which can take days. Plesk completes requests in second. It is included free with each hosting account. Renowned for its comprehensive functionally - beyond other hosting control panels - and ease of use, Plesk Control Panel is available only to HostForLife’s customers.

6. 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
HostForLife 30 day money back guarantee ensures you have the ability to cancel your account anytime within your first 30 days under our full 30 day money back guarantee (less one-time account setup free). So what are you waiting for? Sign up today, risk free…

7. Simplicity with FREE 1-Click Installation
HostForLife was designed with ease of use in mind. From one click installations of your favourite website applications to our much talked about drag and drop website builder, you can rest assure your stay with us is going to be a smooth one. HostForLife offers the most extensive set of scripts on the web allowing you to build complicated websites with little or no programming knowledge at all. From blogs to forums to powerful e-commerce solutions, Super Green has something that is right for you.


IIS 7.5 European Hosting :: Active Directory on Windows Server 2008 Requirements

clock May 6, 2010 08:28 by author Scott

The process of installing an Active Directory domain in Windows Server 2008 is quite simple, but some beginners or IT professionals that have never had a chance to get their hands on AD installations and that are not familiar with its requirements might stumble across a few pitfalls.

For easier, let us help you to host your IIS 7.5 site. Only with € 3.00/month, you can get the reasonable price with best service. So, contact us in HostForLife.eu.
This topic contains only brief information about Windows Server 2008.

An NTFS Partition

To successfully install AD you must have at least one NTFS formatted partition. Back in older operating systems this was something that you actually had to tell people about, because *some* administrators had servers that did not have their partitions formatted with NTFS. Nowadays, NTFS is the only way to go in Windows-based servers, but I will nevertheless put it on the writing, just to make sure.

This partition is where the SYSVOL folder is placed, and usually, that is the C:' partition, but for large AD deployments, this could very well be a different partition.

To convert a partition (C:) to NTFS type the following command in the command prompt window:

convert c:/fs:ntfs

Free Space on Your Disk

You need at least 250mb of free space on the partition you plan to install AD on. Of course you'll need more than that if you plan to create more users, groups and various AD objects.

Local Administrator’s username and password

Remember, only a local Administrator (or equivalent) can install the first domain and thus create the new forest. Other installation scenarios – such as adding additional (replica) DCs require either Domain Admin permissions, or, in case of new domains in the same tree or in new trees – Enterprise Admins permissions.

IP Configuration

While it is possible to install Active Directory on a server that has a dynamically-assigned IP address, it doesn't make much sense to do so. It's much better to configure the server with a manual and dedicated IP address. If you do not use a dedicated IP address, DNS registrations may not work and Active Directory functionality may be lost. If the computer is a multi-homed computer, the network adapter that is not connected to the Internet can host the dedicated IP address.

The Active Directory domain controller should point to its own IP address in the DNS server list to prevent possible DNS connectivity issues.

To configure your IP configuration, use the following steps:

Note: IP addresses can be also configured from the Command Prompt by using the NETSH command, but I will not describe that procedure here.

1. Right-click Network, and then click Properties.
If you do not have the Network icon visible on your desktop, use Control Panel.

2. In the Control Panel'Network and Sharing Center window, click on the manage Network Connections link on the left.
Note: You can get to the same window by typing NCPA.cpl in the run command.

3. In the Control Panel'Network Connections window, right-click Local Area Connection, and then click Properties.

4. Click Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4), and then click Properties.
Note: You can also configure the TCP/IPv6 properties, but you do NOT have to, and frankly, unless you require TCP/IPv6 functionality, I'd simply ignore it or disable it. More on that, in a future article.

5. Make sure you have a static and dedicated IP address. If you don't need Internet connectivity through this specific NIC you can use a Private IP range such as with a Subnet Mask of

6. The next step is not required, but I usually recommend checking that the correct configuration is in place. Click Advanced, and then click the DNS tab. The DNS information should be configured as follows:

Configure the DNS server addresses to point to the DNS server. This should be the computer's own IP address if it is the first server or if you are not going to configure a dedicated DNS server.

- If the Append these DNS suffixes (in order) option is selected for the resolution of unqualified names, the Active Directory DNS domain name should be listed first, at the top of the list.
- Verify that the information in the DNS Suffix for this connection box is the same as the Active Directory domain name.
- Make sure that the Register this connection's addresses in DNS check box is selected.

Active Network Connection Required During Installation

The installation of Active Directory requires an active network connection. When you attempt to use DCPROMO.exe to promote a Windows Server 2008 computer to a domain controller that doesn't have a connected and active NIC, you will receive the following error message:

The wizard has detected that none of the network adapters for this computer is assigned a valid IP address.

Verify that the network cable is connected and that a DCHP server is available or the computer is configured to use a static IP address, then click Next.

And after hitting Next, this error will appear:

Active Directory Domain Services Installation Wizard The TCP/IP networking protocol must be properly configured. Complete the configuration before you proceed.

To resolve this problem, plug the network cable into a hub or other network device. While highly improbable that the network connection status would be disconnected in a server that is about to be deployed in a production environment, this could be the case when building the server for testing purposes. If network connectivity is not available and this is the first domain controller in a new forest, you can finish DCPROMO.exe by installing Microsoft Loopback Adapter.

DNS Configuration

A DNS server that supports Active Directory DNS entries (SRV records) must be present for Active Directory to function properly. In my Windows 2000/2003 versions of the Active Directory installation tips I recommended to manually install and configure DNS prior to running DCPROMO. However, in Windows Server 2008, and when installing the FIRST Domain Controller in the Active Directory domain, I tend to recommend that you allow the DCPROMO wizard to automatically build the proper DNS services and configuration.

Clients Connections

When considering Internet connectivity, it is recommended (and in most cases, this is the proper and most-used configuration) that the client computers connect to the Internet through a NAT device (i.e. a Router that translates private IP addresses to one public one, and allows connectivity through one ISP-assigned IP address). This prevents any issues that may arise if clients obtain an IP address from your Internet service provider (ISP). In Small Office or Home Office (SOHO) scenarios, this can be achieved by using a second network adapter on the server connected to a hub. You can use NAT and Routing on the server to isolate the clients on the local network. The clients should point to the domain's INTERNAL DNS server, and NOT to the ISP's DNS server, to ensure proper DNS connectivity. The internal DNS server's forwarder will then allow the clients to access DNS addresses on the Internet.

Do not use Single-Label Domain Names

As a general rule, Microsoft recommends that you register DNS domain names for internal and external namespaces with Internet authorities. This is true for Windows 2000/2003 and for Windows Server 2008. This includes the DNS names of Active Directory domains, unless such names are sub-domains of names that are registered by your organization name, for example, "corp.example.com" is a sub-domain of "example.com". When you register DNS names with Internet authorities, it prevents possible name collisions should registration for the same DNS domain be requested by another organization, or if your organization merges, acquires or is acquired by another organization that uses the same DNS names.

DNS names that don't include a period ("dot", ".") are said to be single-label (for example, com, net, org, bank, companyname) and cannot be registered on the Internet with most Internet authorities.

Top Reasons to host your ISS 7.5 Website with HostForLife.eu

There are many reasons why so many people choose HostForLife over any other web hosting provider each year. Whether you’re beginner or an experience webmaster, HostForLife offers the perfect solution for everyone.

You’ll have highly trained, skilled professional technical support people ready, willing, and wanting to help you 24 hours a day. Your web hosting account servers are monitored from three monitoring points, with two alert points, every minute, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The followings are the list of other added-benefits you can find when hosting with us:

1. World-class 24x7 Customer Support
Will your hosting company promptly answer questions and resolve issues - at 3 am on a Sunday? Even some providers claiming “24x7” support will not - but HostForLife will. Our outstanding uptime is backed by true 24x7 customer support. An expertly trained technician will respond to your query within one hour, round the clock. You will also get qualified answers. Other hosting companies typically have very low - level support staff during the night or weekends. HostForLife always has knowledgeable, top - level  support standing by, day or night, to give you the answers you need.

2. Commitment to Outstanding Reliability
Reliability, Stability, and Performance of our servers remain out TOP priority. Even our basic service plans are equipped with standard service level agreements for 99.99% uptime. Advanced options raise the bar to 99.99%. Our state-of-the-art data centers combine servers and SAN storage with full redundancy and operational tools with proprietary service management techniques. Full backup and recovery capabilities are implemented, including redundant power supplies, cooling and connectionsto major data networks.

3. “Right-size” plans for maximum value
HostForLife offers a complete menu of services. IT professionals select only what they need - and leave behind what they don’t. The result is an optimal blend of cost and performance. We offer IT professionals more advanced features and the latest technology - ahead of other hosting companies.

4. Profitable, Stable, Debt-free Business
Financial stability is the bedrock of a hosting provider’s ability to deliver outstanding uptime, cost-effective service plans and world-class 24x7 support.  HostForLife’s customers are assured of our financial integrity and stability - a stark contrast to the ups and downs they may have experienced with other providers.

5. The Best Account Management Tools
HostForLife revolutionized hosting with Plesk Control Panel, a Web-based interfaces that provides customers with 24x7 access to their server and site configuration tools. Some other hosting providers manually execute configuration requests, which can take days. Plesk completes requests in second. It is included free with each hosting account. Renowned for its comprehensive functionally - beyond other hosting control panels - and ease of use, Plesk Control Panel is available only to HostForLife’s customers.

6. 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
HostForLife 30 day money back guarantee ensures you have the ability to cancel your account anytime within your first 30 days under our full 30 day money back guarantee (less one-time account setup free). So what are you waiting for? Sign up today, risk free…

7. Simplicity with FREE 1-Click Installation
HostForLife was designed with ease of use in mind. From one click installations of your favourite website applications to our much talked about drag and drop website builder, you can rest assure your stay with us is going to be a smooth one. HostForLife offers the most extensive set of scripts on the web allowing you to build complicated websites with little or no programming knowledge at all. From blogs to forums to powerful e-commerce solutions, Super Green has something that is right for you.


About HostForLIFE.eu

HostForLIFE.eu is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.

We have offered the latest Windows 2016 Hosting, ASP.NET Core 2.2.1 Hosting, ASP.NET MVC 6 Hosting and SQL 2017 Hosting.

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